“The greatest ability is dependability”

– Bob Jones.

When you think of the word dependability, in your mind you will come across the names of the people in your life who embody this trait. If you consider the practical side of this trait, dependable people are the ones who can be relied upon to perform their duties properly and considering the emotional aspect, they are the ones who you can count on .

Dependability is a trait that is not only built but also displayed over a long period of time of knowing a person along with consistent application. One cannot simply say that they’re dependable without showing it to be true. It takes time and every time you make a promise or fulfill the task assigned to you, this trait in you strengthens.

Dependability is a very essential trait when it comes to work as it is considered as one of the leadership traits. The best part is the more dependable you are, the more opportunities come to your way and more opportunities lead to more chances to display this trait at your role in a particular organization. You get to prove your mark as a dependable person and also as a good leader.

You don’t really need a certain number of people in your life; just the ones you can be certain of. They’re the ones who we majorly depend on. In fact, there are times when they sort things out for you even before you ask them to.

Having someone to depend upon is doubts! But I also believe that too much dependence on others makes an individual weak, be it in any relation or at work. Because when that element or person goes missing, taking important independent decisions becomes difficult. Dependence is good but not beyond a certain extent. People with dependent personality traits give up the control of major areas of life to others out of fear. Life challenges can take on the dimensions of insurmountable difficulties which are apparently nearly impossible to deal with alone.


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