Pritha’s Perspective


“Gratitude and Humility are the subtle differences between confidence and arrogance.”

In an age where social media runs rampant with humblebrags and constant sarcasm, humility grows scarcer every day. While this trait may not appear to have any face value, it holds significant implications for your personal achievements, your team building and relationships, and a more realistic projection of the future. Every one of us is bestowed with virtues as well as flaws.IMG_2157

Humility is a trait which means accepting other’s flaws and not boasting of what you are. Embracing humility, and being humble, doesn’t mean never talking about your achievements and accomplishments. But at times, people end up looking down on others. Humility does not make you weak; it indeed gives you the power to appreciate yourself as well as others. Winning does not always define your effort and losing does not imply failure. You should not suppress others and feel superior. Successful or not, if you have faith and are content and humble of what you are, u might enrich and enjoy your own life and maybe even please some strangers! Nobody is asking you to join some NGO or do charity work everyday- (most of the people mistake humility as charity ) But  all you can do is be thankful and try making others happy! Ever tried saying thank you to the liftman or the sweeper or the maid at home? Ever genuinely complimented someone ? It won’t really take away much from you but will surely make someone’s day!




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