Pritha’s Perspective


Each individual has a different personality. Each one of us is weird in our own way. We meet random people who are equally weird and do weird things together and simply call them friends! Pick any one of your very good friends and rewind the memory of the first day you both met or the reason why you both became friends and actually started talking! I am really sure that it must have been a great memory ( it can be really stupid or really mean or really funny or a really professional reason 😛 ) and today when you see, they have become a really important part of your life. Sometimes it just happens—we bond over a mutual love of Harry Potter or kittens and next thing we know we’re meeting for weekly brunches. But other times it’s harder, and we can’t help feeling like we’re the only person at the party without a wingman. Whatever the circumstance, it’s important not to get discouraged. With enough self-confidence, flexibility, and patience, it’s possible to find friends in almost any situation, and keep them for life.


Unfortunately making and retaining friends isn’t always easy. But it can be done. For anyone confused about how exactly to go about forging new friendships or strengthening old ones, there is just one thing!  “just put yourself out there”. Making new friends is totally natural. Nobody needs to learn or teach anyone about it! ( No one taught you how to make friends in school :P) It is all about being yourself to the people around and you make friends with people who are either like you or completely opposite to your personality and balance you (for example, one person is a good listener and the other one keeps on talking and talking and talking..).

More than how you make friends, maintaining that friendship when it gets old is more important. Friendship is a bond which strengthens with time. Friends are the people closest to you, who have seen you at your worst and laughed with you in best of times!




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