


Pritha’s Perspective

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Love, Romance: I was rather clueless about what to write on love because I have not really been in a relationship before. So, when I started writing about it, the first thing that crossed my mind was that the least experienced one is going to write about the most confused feeling!! But I am going to write whatever little I know.

Most of us must have admired someone at least once in our lives. I think admiration and love are two different things. Admiration comes along with expectations, love doesn’t; Admiration eventually fades, love endures.

People fall in love in mysterious ways and everyone’s way of expressing it is different. Some yell it out loud and some keep the secret just to themselves.  Some of us do not even realize it and it is surprising when you look back in time and think- who had thought this would happen?!

When in love, every small thing will make you happy- eye contacts, secretly exchanged smiles, teasing, talking, arguing over silly issues, laughing until your stomach hurts, doing stupid things together; people even start daydreaming ( I still don’t know how!!!). Finding someone like that is not about trying to transform yourself into the perfect image. It is about being exactly who you are and finding someone who appreciates it. The person, who has seen you at your worst, knows what a mess you can be, and still loves you.

It is not necessary that things go right always. But that is not the end of the world!! Why do we not think that endings could be a sign of new beginnings? It is okay to let go of things. If it has to happen, it will. What is meant to be will always find a way. But that does not mean you lose yourself in finding something that may have never existed and hold on to someone who was never really there. It is difficult to move on, agreed; but not impossible. Give it some time, think on it and then let it go. Remember, life has already planned something way better and promising for you. One fine day, someone will walk into your life and show you why it never worked out with anyone else (clichéd, I know, yet true!). They’ll put you back together so well, that you’ll forget you were broken.

Sunsets are both- the beginning and the end. It all depends on how you choose to think of them. Believe in yourself, and the one who believes in you and who will never give up on you; being with whom makes you feel happy. So cherish the moments, live them together and treasure the one who’ll never let you go- because some things happen only once in a lifetime!

Vasvi’s Verdict


‘Love’. Looks like such a sweet and a simple word, and it is in most of the aspects of love that we are discussing on this blog. But when we are talking about romantic love that is the lovey-dovey one, it can be a sweet word for some, complicated as hell for others, a normal word for some and there are some who don’t understand it or just simply don’t want to.

I have not experienced romantic love as of yet. I am not a hopeless romantic, I guess I am practical, don’t judge I am not saying that if you are a romantic person you are impractical; it’s just that I am a little too cautious when it comes to such stuff. I don’t know why but people come to single people for relationship advice all the time. It’s not that I am an introvert – I have loads of friends, I do have fun, I am good at socializing too but you can say that I don’t want to make mistakes that will be a hindrance in my future. No offence people, it’s just that I am pouring out my thoughts here. Everyone has a different personality and everyone has a thought pattern that suits them perfectly. I do believe in feeling “weak at the knees” in love but it is just not meant for me for now. I guess, probably when I am ready, I’d like to be somebody’s one in a million. For me, right now I have my time divided into studying, family, friends, fun and personal time, so I guess I don’t have time for love.c31284607f412f323ff6a720b2e2a555

Love isn’t “music that starts playing from somewhere, there is a nice breeze and all”, I know for me it’s not that filmy unless, one of my celebrity crush turns up! For me it would be accepting someone who cares for you deeply and for whom I am going to be perfectly imperfect. I love watching high school and college romances in various movies, series etc. ; I love rom-coms (not a big sad romantic’s drama fan, actually not at all). Love is supposed to make you happy not sad and if it is making you sad it is not love, I know we should take the circumstances in consideration but your partner/spouse should not be the reason of your sadness rather you should stand by each other because if you give up on each other it never was love, it was just a normal attraction. I would love to spend time with (that does not mean 24*7 you know) you need personal time, a person who respects your independence. Love is all about the trust, which you should never break; loving each other unconditionally, respecting each other’s independence and choices and always being there for each other. Lust is not love. You don’t love someone because you need them but you need them because you love them. It is about being happy with each other and whenever there is sadness it is about sharing it. If that sadness is because of your partner/spouse sort it out but don’t keep the issues locked up. In good time all love seems perfect but it is the harsh times that decide if the love was true and worth your time and feelings. And it is just going to happen someday; you can’t plan it out because it is an emotion not a freaking assignment! One more thing it all occurs in your brain guys so use your brain because your heart does not make you feel it or whatever; it just starts beating faster I guess. Always remember, when all else fails, friendship, companionship and compatibility counts.

Mitali’s Madness


Shakespeare once said,”Journeys end in lovers’ meeting.” This is such a beautiful thought but I feel it is slightly incomplete. No offense to Shakespeare but I think that journeys actually begin when lovers meet. Till then, all you were doing was simply passing by through life without seeing its true essence.

Love today is more broadly classified than it was earlier. People are choosing their life partners despite meaningless barriers left by our ‘society’. People have come to realise that it doesn’t matter if you love someone who’s grown up in a different religious household than you; opposites need not always attract and compromise is the way to any healthy relationship (when done mutually). These people inspire me to look above and beyond what we know and it shows us a brand new take on love and companionship. Also, think about it this way- if love were only bounded by the similarities between the two people then where’s the adventure? Wouldn’t life become quite boring then?

When we talk of love, we must look at love beyond its childish level. When people fall in love, they give birth to a new life with this love, but often, they let their love get lost somewhere when they get so busy loving the child. Loving a child is every parent’s natural instinct but don’t let anyone make you forget the love you have for each other. Couples should take out some ‘us’ time aside from everyone from their lives and focus on their relationship. Even though love is lost, it can always be found. It is one of the most forgiving relationships that someone can have.


Falling in love isn’t all about being on cloud nine or being at the top of the world. Rather, you’d have a relationship that has fights and fun and it doesn’t always have to be the gooey-eyed feeling that most people claim love to be.

For me, when and if I ever fall in love, I want it to be gradually rather than impulsively so that I know that the person I’ve chosen is not a mere fling but he’d matter more than that.

Love, according to me, is a beautiful but important responsibility that, if taken, must be well looked after. So don’t be afraid to fall in love or express your love but always remember to respect your partner and stand by them in all circumstances. Love them even when you hate them!


12 thoughts on “L.O.V.E.

  1. Wow ! You guys…well done…you all have actually written what you feel and I love you guys do much for that….
    Reading this I actually felt a little clear on my take for love and a little inspired too !
    Great job ! 💗💗😘


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