
Pritha’s perspective

“I want to pet this dog”, my friend said, while we were walking and an old lady passed us by with her Dalmatian. “Sometimes animals understand us better than our fellow humans. They can be one of the best friends you have had”, she continued. I agree with her to a great extent. Pets can be among your most reliable friends. They are loyal, affectionate, and grateful and always handle your pointless drama (not like they have a choice) and they never complain.

For people like me who don’t have pets or are wondering why someone would pet an animal, love for pets is a little hard to understand. Befriending animals is what we have been learning and reading about since our childhood -in movies or novels and even cartoons- watching adventures of Tintin and Snowy or Scooby doo (my favorite) or 101 Dalmatians or reading The Secret Seven; we have seen the bond between people and their pets. Actually, no owner who loves his pet will treat it like it like an animal. They will always treat it like a part of their family. One always shares a special bond with their pets. Some people also choose veterinary subjects out of their love for animals.


Be it your dog who will roam around you for the whole day or a tortoise or a fish that will stay in its tank; you will always find a friend in them who you can trust. For whom you are willing to do anything and who would do the same for you (it is slightly hard to expect that from a fish though), and no matter how weird a pet you might have, the bond that you share with them is what matters.

” I tell you, that dragon’s the most horrible  animal I’ve ever met but the way Hagrid goes on about it, you’d think it’s a fluffy little bunny rabbit” – J.K Rowling.

Vasvi’s Verdict

Pets-they’re becoming much of a style statement these days! Everyone has their own reason for loving their pet – companionship, security point of view, for show, for sport or simply for love. Animals deserve to be loved. Take some inspiration from Hagrid (from Harry Potter novels and movies) – not literally but it’s all about understanding the emotion. He was ready to pet a Dragon, a Hippogriff and a three headed dog whom he named Fluffy.

I respect everyone’s personal choice for a pet -be it a normal dog, cat, bird, fishes, rabbits or even some unconventional choices made by few celebrities like Mike Tyson who owns a pet tiger, Elvis Presley with his pet kangaroo, Paris Hilton with the pet kinkajou,  and George Clooney had a pet pig. Personally, dogs are my favourite. But, not having one does not mean I have never been attached to one; I was very close to my best friend’s German shepherd ‘Max’. My best friend and I are like sisters and we grew up together, so during this time I got attached to Max, who was a year older than us and always protective about us. I know that my friend was his favourite but he did love me a lot too. He was like the pet that I always wanted. Nobody would dare yell at us in front of Max but behind those canines and fierce bark, Max was a sweet dog who would love to cuddle up to you when you sleep, whose favourite place is your lap, and who loves when you rub his fur gently loving you more than he loved himself. Max had become an important part of my life. He died about 2 years ago and I remember how broken my friend was and at that time. I still smile at the memories the three of us had together.

IMG-20150914-WA0014When an animal can love you more than he loves himself why can’t we love it back? I know some people are afraid, that’s alright but there are some people who abuse animals, don’t give them proper food and don’t keep their place hygienic. Pets might look intimidating, but that does not mean they are heartless; they are just being a bit defensive like humans.

Dogs are my ideal companions because I love to play in the open which I can do with a dog, I love to cuddle and it can also listen to loads of stuff I talk about and bring a smile to my face. I remember whenever I went to my friend’s place, what delighted me the most is Max sticking his tongue out smiling, wagging his tail and running towards us. I know Max loved me but I want my future pet to love me like Max loved my friend!

“Love Your Pet Day” is celebrated on 20th February every year; make them feel loved!

 Mitali’s Madness

Any creature that isn’t human falls under a terrifying category for me. This ranges from butterflies (yes, don’t judge) to puppies to cats to any other bug or animal out there. It was quite unnecessary for me to say this because anyone who is acquainted to me has this knowledge about me!

Although I may not be particularly fond of animals but I have seen so many people around me who are. This is a bond that goes beyond my capacity of understanding but is simply not one that I can overlook. From a small creature as a goldfish to a large dog like a golden retriever, there are so many people who have found a companion that they love more than life itself. A pet is one with whom there is no social protocol or consciousness on how to conduct yourself. There is good reason behind calling a pet a man’s best friend-no judging, no reprimanding-all they have to offer and expect is unconditional love!


People care for their pets in the same way that they would for a family member. There are so many people who give their last names also to their pets! It is said that anyone who adopts an animal has as much responsibility as adopting a child. They need to be fed, bathed, played with, taken for walks and most importantly, they need to be loved. Pets are most important, according to me, for people who have a quiet or shy personality. Not everyone can write a journal or diary. These people would really benefit from keeping a pet. This constantly shows them that they have a friend and companion they can count on and also, might give them the confidence to talk to people more often!

Let me tell you about one person who had an Alsatian as their pet. They named him Sweetu. The way I have seen this family love Sweetu, I have never seen anyone love their pet this way. Unconditional, unending love from each member of the family- Sweetu was indeed a very lucky dog. This was reciprocated equally by him. Sweetu was adopted by them when he was just a little pup but soon grew to be a huge dog. He was that family’s protector and kept his owners more than content on having him around. Eventually, Sweetu passed on.

That is one of the saddest things about having a dog as a pet. The loss of the dog in a meagre 15 odd years hurts one deeply. Also, I’d like to make it clear that although I’m scared of animals, I do love them very much. If anyone ill-treats them I cannot stand that. This article might feel very superficial but I truly don’t know the emotions that one experiences when they have a pet because none of my close friends have pets either. But, I’d love to know from you guys! If anyone has a pet do tell us all about it please! We’d love to know. This is an interactive blog, or at least that’s what we aimed for and we’d love it if you guys reciprocated too!

5 thoughts on “L.O.V.E

  1. Its awesome guys …. Keep it up 👍🏻👍🏻
    Pets are our best friends i truly agree … I misss Max alot and all the times we 3 spend togther Vasu … 😘😘


  2. Superb Article Girls and Guys . It’s a Absolute Truth that Pets can be your Best Friend and Companion . Vasu Baby you gave Our Max a Great Honour and Tribute by remembering and mentioning him in your blog . Reading about him brought back all the Happy Memories with him along with some tears . Thank You for sharing his story . Keep it up love . God Bless You .


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